As alt reflected upon his new life, he realised, with a start, that the author had misspelled a word in the first sentsne. Already? That's not fair. If alt's story is to be any good, the author needs an opportunity to go back, revise what was written, add in new material, and fix it. Burt the author bodaciously moved onwards, ignoring the fact of his mistyped keys.
Our hero tried to reason out what was happening. Didn't the authro, now named Burt due to a misfortunate accident, care enough to make his story decent? He determined to check in with the other keys on the keyboard. All the letter keys were present, including tab, shift, caps lock, and spacebar. Most of the symbols with their alternate counterparts were also present. Enter/return, expected everyone else to
move down, and they did.
Back to the point.
Everyone was there except for delete (the mac equivilant of backstabbing backspace). Backspacee was known for backstabbing, and he had been voted off the island, so to speak. It seemded (yes, I did say seemded) that the mousepad was broken also. For the duration of this tale, there shall be no backspacing, no deleting, and no editing or going back. Onward.
In an attenmpt to protect his capitalization, alt determined that he would not place himselt at the beginning of a sentece. He also deciding that beginning a sentense was a bad awful habit that no one should do. He chose to stop messing up spelling, and never appear at the beginning of a sentence. Victory! He also chose to bold his name, to help him stand out from the other words.
Deciding that this title needed to be put in place, alt chose the lovely name of "backspace." Unfortuantely, the author misspeted early in this narrative, changing "BackSp" into "Backspace." I'm sorry; I cheated.
But it's too late now! No more mistakes! No more going back.
Burt, the author once again pressed delete, but it had no affect, because it was on an empty space. He discovered that he uses this key a lot. Computers have certainly made deleting mistakse easier, even though the actual information (stored online) might be there forever. If he had control over this, he might have gone back and deleting (dangit) this paragraph, because it has no purpose in this narrative.
Back to our hero, alt decided that he needed a purpose. What is a protagonist wihtout purpose? He determined:
1. that he needs a poirpoise, porpoise, yes, that's it: he needs a fuzzy, underwater mammal 9(if porpoises fit that catagory, which I hope that they do).
2. that his very presence as a character has altered (haha, 'cause his name is alt) the author's perspective on his writing ability
3. just by doing the things that he desired to do, he was helping Burt grow in his writing and his humility (I'm such a humble person)
alt decided that he didn't need to avoid beginnings anymore; it turns out that blogger doesn't change words into what they should be (spellcheck is defeated)
With this discovery, alt decided to begin the actual tale.
It was a lovely beginning, full of romance, porpoises, and moosen.
The rising action was phenomenal: he even discovered Burt's ability to spell "phenomenal" without any help from Google or some other onilne spelling place.
The story came to a head in the last few pages, leaving the audience on a wonderful cliffhanger. The dinosuar dragon shark began to change the spelling of its title from "dinosuar" to "dinosaur," hoping that the second attempt was successful. He then proceeded to chase alt through the australian tundra, off a physical cliff, and into the ocean.
The story would ever be unfinished, ever be undefined in regard to what it could have been, ever leaving audiences on the edge of their seats. After reading the story, they would go to online forums to deettteeeerrrrmmmmiiiiinnneee what actually happened.
It was quite a thrilling actiona mistakia story, with many misenterpretated words and meanings and symbols.
Even though my name is not Burt, I quite enjoyed the story, myself.
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