Friday, February 13, 2015

Poetry Break

Enough with this time-travel nonsense.  For today, at least.


A few years ago, I was introduced to the lovely mark of punctuation known as the semicolon.  Essentially, it acts as a period between two sentences that are related; it's simply the best.  After reading a paper where every other sentence contained a semicolon, my teacher called me out for my excessive behavior.  She told me, "you need to start seeing other punctuation." 

...and so begins our story...

An Apology

When I first saw you,
I never realized how much I would grow
to love you.
There you sat,
right next to the double-period
that made up the eyes of a smiley face.

For years, you were there,
denied your rightful position on the page
by the shift key.
I’m sorry;
I thought you were strange,
useless, and undeserving
of that lofty position
to the right of the ‘L’.

For years, I have written sentences that
logically connect with each other;
I used a period, denying you your rightful place.
In Elementary and Middle School, I admit it,
my feelings were mixed;
you got in the way of my smiley face;
you looked strange.
Even before I saw you for who you were,
you kept winking back in the face of my impudence.

In High School, my eyes were opened;
I thank my English teacher daily
(whether she knows it or not)
for introducing the two of us.
I saw you, despite my former prejudice;
you were, and are, beautiful.

Ours is a forbidden love;
the laws of grammar forbid exclusivity.
For both of our sakes, and our futures,
I have started seeing other punctuation.
Despite these circumstances,
there was never so magnificent a love
as the love I harbored, and still harbor, for you;
though other men might find joy in other marks,
none shall match my joy in knowing you.

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