Friday, February 27, 2015

Public Service Announcements

1. Finances are important.  Do them good.

2. I love taking notes about economics.  For some reason, it's the easiest topic for me to come up with applicable cartoons/graphs/doodles.

3. For those who want to take nores, use less words, and more pictures.   Have fun when you're taking notes, so that you can keep yourself amused when studying.

4. Figure owt where your money goes.  That's important.

5. Always take notes in pen.  It makes them look fancier, plus you remember when you make a mistake (at least, I do).  For example, I won't easily forget the struggle to fix the 'w' in out, so I won't forget to figure out where my money goes.  Note-taking is all about connecting new facts to preexisting notions/experiences.

6. Sheeeeep

7. I have mixed feelings about making money into a stick figure.

8. Save early should be a button on the keyboard.  The closest thing we have right now is Control/Command Z.

9. "Get money right now" can be taken two ways.  Both of them are important.

10. I continued the list from 6-10 just to ensure I made it to 11.

11. Alevon.

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